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Kreative Digital Solution

Kreative Digital Solution flawlessly combines proficiency in brand strategy, digital marketing, social media, web design, creative design to illustrate and connect every aspect of a brand experience. Our work is based on evidence which in turn is powered by strategy driven innovation to assist clients test, upgrade and deliver change to be ahead of the market. As brand instigator, we shatter the cages of convention and conformity to deliver transformative thinking and prolific realisation to acquire industry leadership, create consumer zeal and anchor success commercially. We strive to build brands through smarter ideas and creative excellence, liberating from the ordinary.

We strategise in bringing a synergetic approach that involves experts from various teams, working side by side in the spirit of innovative friction. By bolstering and challenging each other, the most brilliant ideas rise to the top and are developed into effective solutions. It’s a coherent procedure that keeps the big picture in view while paying heed to the detail, safeguarding that ideas are benevolently executed with accuracy.

Digital Marketing Features
Search Engine Optimization

Bachelor of Science

Social Media Marketing

Master of Fine Arts

Lead Generation

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Multi-Media Features
Web Development

State Art company

Web Designing

Design Corporation

Logo/Banner Design

Creative Design Studio

Our Professional Skills
Web Design
Web Development
Digital Marketing
Social Media Marketing


Facebook Likes


Happy Customers


Projects Done


Instagram Followers


Web Design

Kreative Digital Solution, one of the leading companies offering best Website Design Services in Kolkata including Ecommerce Website Design is here to offer you the best solution. Having plenty of experience in the industry and proper knowledge on the most complicated portions of web applications, Kreative Digital Solution is dedicated to design and develop a technically sound website with a professional touch for your end users.

Web Development

At Kreative Digital Solution, our outsourcing website and IT application development service tries to fit your product neatly within a sea of similar products and provide it with a uniqueness that makes it different and preferable. We execute this tailored service with the help of our team of highly skilled and veteran software professionals.We execute this tailored service with the help of our team of highly skilled and veteran software professionals.

Creative Design

Branding is the most crucial portion of any business house which is on the verge of flourishment. It can be done with the assistance of a unique logo design. Your logo is the base of the image of your brand. A logo helps to add value to your business and even helps you create your brand identity. Our logo design services can bring about a huge change for your company and also may construct a separate space for you in this competitive world.

Digital Marketing

Kreative Digital Solution is a branding and digital marketing company, known for providing the top quality digital marketing services for our clients. Our experts possess around few years of experience in the field of digital marketing and advertising.We are just a call or email away to cater to your digital marketing needs.

Social Media Marketing

The world of Social media has proven to be an extermely effective medium for the construction of global brands with the help of digital marketing. Social Media assists powerful brand stories to touch the lives of consumers. We build stories around your brand for getting recognition in social media.Get in touch with us to know more.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a concept of optimizing the website for visibility on search result page. SEO is no longer just an added service, It as evolved a lot in last few years. As search engines and users continue to evolve, we as a SEO expert company continue to evolve and grow.


Five Advantages of Email Marketing : Business 2020

In this era of digitalization, you need to play smart in order to make it big with your business. Digital marketing is getting very popular these days; but what you need to know is which part of digital marketing will be more beneficial for your business.

You always dont need to do everything in digital marketing, for reaching your target audience; hitting the right nerve is very important in this industry. One of the main parts of digital marketing is "Email Marketing".

Now, what is "Email Marketing?"

Email Marketing is that segment of internet marketing, which makes use of emails, for developing relationships with potential clients. It consists of online marketing through websites, social media, etc. Basically, email marketing allows businesses to keep their clients updated regarding the products and also takes care of the grievances of their clients.

Below is mentioned five basic advantages of Email Marketing:

1) Cost effective : Email marketing is extremely cost effective, when compared to mainstream marketing. No postage or printing costs, no cost to be incurred for magazine or TV channel, no fees to be paid for exposure. A minimal cost is involved, for sending so many emails at one point of time; though it is much less than making use of other marketing mediums.

2) Reach out to an already engaged audience : Marketing via email is maybe the only medium, which consumers ask for by themselves. So its easy to get access to your target audience. You should aim for the audience whi have already signed up for your business. This will allow higher conversion rates, as you are targeting only those who are interested in your brand.

3) Generate revenue : Email Marketing is pretty good for impulsive buying. There are not many marketing platforms, which allows your clients to both see an offer and buy it within two clicks.

4) Easy to start : Email marketing does not demand a very big team of people having technical knowhow. It is very much possible to launch an email campaign with videos, templates and logos. But you need to keep it simple and classy .

5) Unparallel return on Investment : Lastly, the return on investment for email marketing is extremely high. Emails continues to be one of the most effective mediums of marketing at a very low cost.

So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and launch an email marketing campaign at a very reasonable price. 

To Know More 
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

Five Benefits of A Responsive Web Design : Business 2020

We all start our business with a dream in our eyes; dream to make it successful, dream to achieve the top position in the field of our business and a dream to make it known to all. But very few know, how to make the right beginning so that our business can reach the place, where it deserves to be. 

Web designing plays a very crucial role in your journey to make your business successful. Web designing may be termed as the backbone of Digital Marketing; as it lays a positive impact on SEO, Conversion Rates and such other aspects that contribute towards the growth of your business.

Given below are the major benefits of web designing in the field of Digital Marketing:

1) Enhanced User Experience : The quality of user experience on your site, directly contributes to the amount of time, your users spend on your site. If they find any difficulty in navigating your site, they will leave your site. But if you are able to satisfy them through the smooth interface for your users of your website, then you are surely going to gain a good number of clients.

2) Increment in Mobile Traffic : Most of the people access websites these days through mobile devices. This is because people run short on time these days and want everything in the palm of their hands. So having a responsive web design for mobile phones, means that the traffic on your website is going to increase as well.

3) Easy to maintain : You need to design your website in such a way, that you can save on your maintenance cost. Make a website which helps your staff to focus more on marketing, rather than maintenance of the site.

4) Improved SEO : The responsiveness of your website determines the rank of your website in the results page of the search engine. Having a responsive website, helps the search engine to place it higher on the results page.

5) Greater Conversion Rates : Better user experience leads to better conversion rates. This will directly contribute to the business of your website and will help you grow. 

To Know More 
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

Five basic advantages of using logo in your business: Trend 2020

In this digital era, Logo is what defines your business. Hence, the success mantra of your business is to make a very attractive logo; one that suits the nature of your business.

Below have been mentioned the basic advantages of using logo in your business:

1) Reflection of your Identity : Logo is a reflection of the identity of your brand. Your logo communicates ownership through your business cards and websites. It is what reveals to your potential clients, what sort of products you sell and services you offer.

2) Makes everyone aware of the existence of your business : People, these days are attracted to catchy design and colour. The logo which is the face of your business, should be designed to attract the interest and curiosity of your potential clients. This will increase the popularity of your business and make it successful in the process.

3) Makes your business stand out in the competition : A well designed logo differentiates your business from others. It has to be different with some spark that dares to speak out for your business and reach out to everyone.

4) Building of Brand Loyalty : Brand Loyalty is huge and has to be fostered by each and every business. A familiar and known logo travels a long way to build up some Brand Loyalty.

5) Keeps your presence everywhere : Getting the logo of your business placed everywhere including your packaging, products, website, social media, etc. is a proper way to promote your brand everywhere. If you have successfully developed the message of your brand and expressed it through your logo, anything that you do get an association with the brand and the logo.

To Know More 
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

Four Benefits of Web Development : Business 2020

One owning an online business knows how much competitive the world of internet is and how difficult and challenging it can be to promote one's business for getting better sales and good conversions.

Web development as a whole is a crucial component for making e-commerce successful, because without a website the world would never know about a business’s products or services. Web application development is becoming almost mandatory for e-commerce companies around the globe.

Following are the basic benefits of using web development:

1) Ease of Maintenance : By having web-based software applications, you are eliminating the requirement to perform updates on desktop of every user. Maintenance and updation of software can be done directly onto a server and such updates can be deployed with efficiency to users’ computers.

2) Cost Efficient : Businesses are always searching for ways to compromise on costs involved in operations. Hence connecting web-based applications to users are a promising way to design their systems and improve processes resulting in cost savings. Web based software saves companies from having to buy strong hardware for supporting software, maintain various systems and perform time-taking updates on them.

3) Cross Platform Capability : Unlike mainstream software applications, users can access web applications regardless of what operating systems they might be using.

4) Accommodates Expandability Easily : A business becomes successful only when it continues to grow and keeps on building upon existing architecture for meeting the resource needs of software applications, updating web-based software is a pretty much easy task to undertake, because just the server(s) would need upgrades.

Web application development is gaining popularity among businesses who have a deep interest in improving user experience and bringing about efficiency to their systems.

To Know More 
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

Five reasons why you should use Social Media Marketing : Business 2020

Social media has turned out to be beneficial since the last couple of decades. It is a part and parcel of our everyday lives, these days.

When it comes to businesses, social media has come out with a way to send the messaging of a brand to the proper people at the right time.
Given below are five basic reasons for using social media as a marketing tool for increasing the brand value of your business:

1) Easier, Faster Communication: With the help of social media, clients can contact a customer service representative in a very fast and easy manner. Businesses can even review and respond to customers’ grievances with ease.

2) Networking & Partnerships: In addition to the simplified lines of communication, there’s the aspect of general availability. Social media helps connect us easier than ever before. It even holds good potential for networking and partnerships which will help your brand in various ways. It’s very important to understand, how social media has an effect on SEO as well.

3) Increase Organic Visibility: There is a lot of potential value that needs to be unlocked through social media other than the backlinks produced by networking and partnership. Google has kept on saying that social media likes, shares, backlinks, etc. cannot be ranking signals directly — but there is for sure, a correlation between social media and popularity, and how it is ranked by search engines.

4) Increase Website Traffic: Social media serve the purpose of reaching out to different audiences in an useful, personable and entertaining manner. It also helps you get hold of those potential customers, whom you may not have ever had the chance to engage with earlier.

5) Feedback from Clients: In the business world, irrespective of your industry type and to whom the marketing and selling is done, the focus has to be on the client. Both digital and traditional success is achieved by understanding and delivering a premium quality customer service and doing everything in power to make sure that potential customers have the best possible experience with the company.

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Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

5 Main Advantages of using SEO for Business - 2020

SEO assists emerging business owners create rapid, strong, and user-friendly websites which rank higher in search engines, and also helps bring more potential clients to their sites. This eventually increases conversion rates.

Below is mentioned 5 main benefits of using SEO:

1) User-Friendly Websites:

SEO will assist emerging business owners create a smoother, faster website, which will be extremely user-friendly. Though most of the people still stick to the primitive definition of SEO, thinking that it is based on only about optimising for the search engines. But presently, SEO is all about improving the experience of users.

2) Drawing in more Clients: 

To start with, one of the primary reasons for having a website is to give a decent competition to your competitors and increase your client base. Businesses which have a SEO optimised website draw more clients and grow much faster than businesses that do not have one.

3) Higher Conversion Rates:

Websites which are SEO-optimised, loads faster, are comparitively easier to surf and read, and will show properly in almost every type of devices, including tablets and mobiles. Websites which are easy to navigate and read, have got higher chances to grab the attention from your visitors.

4) Building of Brand Awareness: 

One of the key benefits of having higher rankings, is building of brand awareness. The moment your sites show up on the first page of primary search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo, your potential clients are likely to rest their faith on your brand when they are searching for a specific term.

5) Eliminate Competition: 

Search engines and SEO are extremely powerful. If your competitors have been doing SEO marketing, you should simply ask yourself, why you haven’t followed such a strategy yet.

To Know More 
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

5 Benefits of digital marketing Over Traditional Marketing for business - Latest Trend 2020

In this digital era, people spend so much time searching around for digital platforms. Businesses are increasingly aware of the fact and thus depending on the popularity of these platforms for promoting their services and goods . Marketing focuses on connecting with customers in the right place at the right time. 

Here Are The 5 Benefits Of Digital Marketing:

  • Low cost : Make a budget friendly online marketing strategy with the help of digital marketing. When compared to other modes of marketing like, TV, Radio, etc, digital marketing will surely gain the upper hand in terms of cost effectiveness.

  • Huge return on investment : Digital Marketing helps you to achieve high returns on your investment. It showcases your brand on several platforms and helps you gain maximum popularity.

  • Easy to measure : The results for digital marketing is pretty much easy to measure. You are making yourself available for the people who need your assistance, thereby increasing your client base.

  • Saves Time : Digital Marketing helps to achieve maximum results in a short span of time. It offers you to have a look at the traffic at your site and how the conversion rate is.

  • Brand development : Your brand gets the exposure it deserves through the mode of digital marketing. You cater to the needs of various people, thereby increasing your brand value in the eyes of search engines.


Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com

Feel Free To Contact Us at +91 9836329793

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