Tuesday, March 24, 2020


COVID 19 – perhaps the term, which almost everyone is using every single minute since the past few days. The term is terrorizing all and sundry throughout the world and is showing no mercy to anyone.

Now what is COVID 19?

Coronavirus disease (COVID 19) is a highly infectious disease that is caused by a very newly discovered form of coronavirus.

Is Coronavirus, a new form of virus?

Coronavirus is not at all a new form of virus. It has affected numerous people in the past. But COVID 19 (also termed as novel Coronavirus), this time is much more contagious and spreads like a rapid fire.

What to do under such conditions?

The one and only way to get rid of this deadly virus is to maintain safe distance from socializing. As stated earlier, this virus is very contagious; so you need to stay confined in the barriers of your home.
Further, you need to wash your hands with soap, at frequent intervals and wear masks whenever you go out.

Symptoms of Coronavirus:

·         (i) Mild to moderate respiratory illness.
·         (ii) Light fever.
·         (iii) Running nose and cough.

The Team of Kreative Digital Solution is praying for your safety and wellbeing. Be Safe, stay Healthy and stay alert for further updates from us.

To Know More

Visit Website: https://kreativedigitalsolution.blogspot.com/

Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

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