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Kreative Digital Solution

Kreative Digital Solution flawlessly combines proficiency in brand strategy, digital marketing, social media, web design, creative design to illustrate and connect every aspect of a brand experience. Our work is based on evidence which in turn is powered by strategy driven innovation to assist clients test, upgrade and deliver change to be ahead of the market. As brand instigator, we shatter the cages of convention and conformity to deliver transformative thinking and prolific realisation to acquire industry leadership, create consumer zeal and anchor success commercially. We strive to build brands through smarter ideas and creative excellence, liberating from the ordinary.

We strategise in bringing a synergetic approach that involves experts from various teams, working side by side in the spirit of innovative friction. By bolstering and challenging each other, the most brilliant ideas rise to the top and are developed into effective solutions. It’s a coherent procedure that keeps the big picture in view while paying heed to the detail, safeguarding that ideas are benevolently executed with accuracy.

Digital Marketing Features
Search Engine Optimization

Bachelor of Science

Social Media Marketing

Master of Fine Arts

Lead Generation

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Multi-Media Features
Web Development

State Art company

Web Designing

Design Corporation

Logo/Banner Design

Creative Design Studio

Our Professional Skills
Web Design
Web Development
Digital Marketing
Social Media Marketing


Facebook Likes


Happy Customers


Projects Done


Instagram Followers


Web Design

Kreative Digital Solution, one of the leading companies offering best Website Design Services in Kolkata including Ecommerce Website Design is here to offer you the best solution. Having plenty of experience in the industry and proper knowledge on the most complicated portions of web applications, Kreative Digital Solution is dedicated to design and develop a technically sound website with a professional touch for your end users.

Web Development

At Kreative Digital Solution, our outsourcing website and IT application development service tries to fit your product neatly within a sea of similar products and provide it with a uniqueness that makes it different and preferable. We execute this tailored service with the help of our team of highly skilled and veteran software professionals.We execute this tailored service with the help of our team of highly skilled and veteran software professionals.

Creative Design

Branding is the most crucial portion of any business house which is on the verge of flourishment. It can be done with the assistance of a unique logo design. Your logo is the base of the image of your brand. A logo helps to add value to your business and even helps you create your brand identity. Our logo design services can bring about a huge change for your company and also may construct a separate space for you in this competitive world.

Digital Marketing

Kreative Digital Solution is a branding and digital marketing company, known for providing the top quality digital marketing services for our clients. Our experts possess around few years of experience in the field of digital marketing and advertising.We are just a call or email away to cater to your digital marketing needs.

Social Media Marketing

The world of Social media has proven to be an extermely effective medium for the construction of global brands with the help of digital marketing. Social Media assists powerful brand stories to touch the lives of consumers. We build stories around your brand for getting recognition in social media.Get in touch with us to know more.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a concept of optimizing the website for visibility on search result page. SEO is no longer just an added service, It as evolved a lot in last few years. As search engines and users continue to evolve, we as a SEO expert company continue to evolve and grow.



The world is presently in the clutches of a Pandemic, known as “Corona Virus”.

This virus has devastated the entire world in every possible way. Recession has hit the Global Market, thereby giving new highs to unemployment. The countries with the most powerful economies has crumbled down. In short, the world is witnessing a phase, never seen before.

Before going into the depths of the economy, let us discuss a few details about the “Deadly Corona Virus.”

· The Deadly Corona Virus (COVID 19) has emerged from the Chinese City of Wuhan.

· It is the Novel form of the virus and is highly contagious in nature.

· It has highly affected the European Nations and has infected around 1.1 lakh people in at least 110 nations.

Apart from infecting people all over the world, this virus has left its catastrophic impact on the Global Market.

The declining figures of the market show, how devastating this virus has proven to be for the global economy.

Widespread lockdown has severely affected the global economy and has hampered trade all over the world. The weakening stock prices has affected the financial market worldwide and is continuing its run to the bottom.

First of all, there is a widespread slowdown in Manufacturing Activity. Statistics show that manufacturing activity has hit new lows of 40.3 in China, which is the main hub of production and manufacturing activities.

Secondly the Service Industry has also been badly hit by the outbreak of this deadly virus, as the Consumption Sector is in grave danger.

Further, the reduction in Global Economic Activities has even reduced the demand for oil, thereby taking the price of oil to new lows.
Also deteriorating oil prices and steepening bond prices, clearly reflect the devastating impact which this deadly virus has had on the Global Financial Market.

Be Safe, stay Healthy and stay alert for further updates from us.

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Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

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The Digital World is getting competitive with each and every passing day. You need to play smart in order to stand out amidst the crowd and make your mark. One of those Smart Plays include, Signature Branding.

The explosion of visual content is making it difficult for brands to get themselves noticed by their target audience. Hence you need to do something out of the box, for getting yourself noticed by your target audience.

One simple way to do this is to continuously integrate your brand in visuals with the help of a well chalked out design.

Designs which have been planned well make a long lasting impression in the minds of your target audience. These help your audience to differentiate your company and pave the path for the growth of your business.

Detailed below are a couple of ways to properly brand your signature so that you can get your desired outcome:

· Presentation of a Demo Video: You need to inform your target audience regarding your product with the help of a Demo Video. You need to include the email signature in order to gain their attention. Further you can add some catchy customer quotes.

· Make a display of your customer culture: You have got a very impressive company culture that is full of empowerment and advancement. Make use of Email Signature in order to properly display the initiative taken by your employees for the betterment of the company; perhaps also add a short video of the CEO speaking a few words about the core values of the company.

Hence, Signature Branding can add some serious value to the marketing of your company in the Digital World.

To Know More
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793


COVID 19 – perhaps the term, which almost everyone is using every single minute since the past few days. The term is terrorizing all and sundry throughout the world and is showing no mercy to anyone.

Now what is COVID 19?

Coronavirus disease (COVID 19) is a highly infectious disease that is caused by a very newly discovered form of coronavirus.

Is Coronavirus, a new form of virus?

Coronavirus is not at all a new form of virus. It has affected numerous people in the past. But COVID 19 (also termed as novel Coronavirus), this time is much more contagious and spreads like a rapid fire.

What to do under such conditions?

The one and only way to get rid of this deadly virus is to maintain safe distance from socializing. As stated earlier, this virus is very contagious; so you need to stay confined in the barriers of your home.
Further, you need to wash your hands with soap, at frequent intervals and wear masks whenever you go out.

Symptoms of Coronavirus:

·         (i) Mild to moderate respiratory illness.
·         (ii) Light fever.
·         (iii) Running nose and cough.

The Team of Kreative Digital Solution is praying for your safety and wellbeing. Be Safe, stay Healthy and stay alert for further updates from us.

To Know More

Visit Website: https://kreativedigitalsolution.blogspot.com/

Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

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Digital Marketing : How it all Began?

Digital Marketing- the term has been associated with almost every single company since the past couple of decades. When it comes to promotion of a company or a brand, Digital marketing has been the first pick for every owner.

But most of the people, don’t have a clue what digital marketing is; how it became an indispensable part of promotion of every single company.

1990 saw the advent of the reason behind almost every single activity of the present day- “Internet”.

With the development of the Web 1.0 platform, users could get any information which they wanted. But this platform did not allow them to share this information over the web.

In the initial years of 1990, the first clickable banner went live, which was basically the beginning of the transition to the Digital era of marketing.

With time, the number of users in Internet kept on increasing and it was in the year 2006, when the number rose to a staggering 6.4 billion in a single month.

Soon arrived the era of web 2.0, which allowed its users to interact with other users and businesses.

This resulted in a huge increase in the volume of flow of information, including the channels used by digital marketers. Internet Advertising and Marketing pooled around 2.9 billion $ in the U.S. alone, thereby creating the mark of the new Digital era.

This was soon followed by the emergence of social networking sites. MySpace marked the beginning of the social networking site’s era and it was followed by Facebook.

The companies could realize that this was the opportunity for them to market their products in a brand new manner and reach to millions.

The cookie became another important part in the digital marketing world. Advertisers always wished to know the taste of their consumers so that they could produce their products accordingly; this was the exact thing which they got with cookies, because they could get access to their browsing pattern and habits.

Products which are marketed digitally are available to the users 24x7.

The Digital Marketing world is dynamic in nature. Hence a Digital Marketer should always keep on looking for chances to improve their techniques and lead the race.

To Know More 
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

Five Advantages of Facebook Marketing : Business Trend 2020

Facebook has occupied the top position, when it comes to social media. Not a single person can raise any doubt regarding the potential of Facebook, as a social media platform.

Facebook was started with the primary goal of connecting with friends and family; but with time it has proven to be an effective medium for promotion of business brands and marketing of businesses.

Marketers are always in search of new ways by which they can reach out to their potential clients and promote their products. Facebook turned out to be just what they were looking for and became the hot favorite of marketers.

The main benefits of Facebook Marketing can be listed below:

1) Huge exposure on global basis : As said earlier, when it comes to social media, no one can beat Facebook. With over 1.2 billion users who are active, Facebook rules the Digital World. It offers multiple platforms for marketing in the form of groups, pages and ads. A business can easily open a group page and promote its product to reach out to millions.

2) Minimization of marketing expenses : Startups usually run short on their budget for marketing; they cant manage enough money to buy domains and all. But a Facebook page for any business can be created without any cost and any kind of content can be uploaded on this page. A small business can start a Facebook page and display all its services and products, literally without any cost. Further, Facebook ads are pocket friendly and also enable you to target your potential clients.

3) Targeting potential clients : Facebook has a very unique feature that allows you to target potential clients, based on their interests and demographics. You could just target people of various age groups, of different cities, of different lifestyles.

4) Development of Brand Loyalty : Facebook permits easy and quick interaction between clients and businesses. It is easy to respond to clients which promotes brand loyalty. Young people are frequently turning to Facebook for online search for products and services. Facebook further enables building your list of emails, your blog traffic and even helps you expand into new markets.

5) Increasing your Web Traffic : With the help of proper links, Facebook users can be shown the way to your website. These users can be more receptive as they choose to visit your website voluntarily, when they click on the link.

To Know More 
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

Five Advantages of Instagram Marketing : Business Trend 2020

Social Media has proven to be one of the most influential platforms for marketing products. Be it shoes, watches, jewellery or restaurants; you can promote any kind of stuff social media.

But Social Media is a very wide term; you need to use it properly in order to reap the benefits of Social Media. And the most important thing in this is to choose te platform for launching your product. Play smart and go for such a place in the Digital World which attracts a huge number of people.

Instagram is a very unique part of the Social Media world. The top notch brands of the world are using Instagram to market their products and increase their client base. This is because, Instagram is growing like anything with each passing day and is a hot favorite for growing businesses.

Both startups and the big shots are using this platform to showcase their products; while consumers are more than happy to view these products on Instagram.

The main advantages of using Instagram for your business has been listed below:

1) Instagram is getting used as an online shopping platform : More than 33% of the users of Instagram, has been using this app to make purchases online. Well despite having various apps which are tailored for shopping only, people opt for Instagram to shop their favorite items; this proves the power of Instagram in influencing their users.

2) Instagram uses the most advanced social media advertising platform : Instagram targets users by various categories, like their age, hobbies, behavior, location, etc. With such kind of advertising, you are just presenting your clients the product which they exactly need.

3) Instagram helps you keep track of your sales and leads : If you are using Instagram to market your product, then you can a very different kind of benefit; you can track every detail of your client. Starting from link clicks to leads to conversion, you can keep an eye on the entire procedure thereby helping you realise the cost per result for each and every campaign which you run.

4) Instagram helps to differentiate between personal profiles and business accounts : If you choose Instagram as your platform for marketing your product, then you will get to access quite a few number of features that are different from personal profiles of Instagram. If you are using Instagram as a business account, then you get to promote your posts with ad dollars and have access to insights of accounts.

5) Instagram allows you to explore a whole new level of client base : Roughly 1 billion users of Instagram is active almost every single day on Instagram. This means you have access to almost a client base of 1 billion, if you choose to market your product on Instagram. You can have an idea of the rate of conversion, if you get access to such a huge client base.

To Know More
Visit Website: https://kreativedigitalsolution.blogspot.com/
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

Five Advantages of Digital Marketing for Small Businesses : Business Trend 2020

In this world of merciless competition, you need to run that extra mile in order to achieve success. Be it your business or something else; you have to do something different, something extra, for standing out amidst the crowd.
But in the very beginning of your business, you cannot afford to do many extra things as you need to keep an eye on your budget. So what you need to do is to play smart, so that you can earn a name for your business without exceeding your budget.

This can be done easily through Digital Marketing. Following are the main benefits you will get through Digital Marketing, if you have just started your business and want to reach out to the mass:

1) Pocket Friendly : To start with, Digital Marketing is cheaper, when compared to other mediums of Marketing. Statistics suggest, that business owners can save upto 40% of their money, if they opt for digital marketing, in place of Traditional Marketing.

2) Roughly 85% of Searches start Online : People these days prefer watching videos or surfing online rather than reading newspapers or listening to radios. So marketing your product online is a good option to make everyone know about your product.

3) Digital Marketing makes the platform even : At one point of time, small businesses could not even think in their wildest of dreams, to fight against corporate giants. But with digital marketing, even small businesses are giving their big shot competitors, a run for their money.

4) Digital Marketing provides a good Return On Investment : Digital Marketing helps to create a good rapport between a business and the consumer. It can generate roughly 50% of more leads, when compared to outbound marketing. It is also much more cheaper than traditional marketing.

5) Better Customer Service : With Digital Marketing, you can easily reach out to your customers and listen to their grievances, thereby resolving their issues in a quick span of time.

To Know More
Visit Website: https://kreativedigitalsolution.blogspot.com/
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

Five Advantages of Video Marketing : Business Trend 2020

We reside in a world where things change everyday. So its very important to keep up with the pace in order to survive in the long run. But its not so easy to market your product; especially when you are facing a cut throat competition. So you need to come up with something different, something unique in order to stand out in this competitive market.

Video marketing is one of the very unique and successful segments of digital marketing. People these days, prefer watching videos rather than reading out stuffs. First of all, it saves time; because watching a 2 minutes long video is easier than reading the same thing for 15 minutes. Further, people get to understand the concept or the product better through the mode of visual representation.

Now, lets discuss about the primary advantages of marketing through video. Following are the main advantages:

1) Video enhances the rate of conversion : Marketing via videos can increase the rate of conversion of potential clients by almost a margin of 80%. To make your clients watch a compelling presenter is to influence their buying behaviour and make them believe in your product. It makes a long lasting effect rather than just reading about your product.

2) Video can be a bonus on email marketing campaigns : Making people read your emails is a very big challenge; but if you use a video in the place of your subject line, then the rates will increase drastically and also the unsubscribed rates are going to decrease.

3) Favourite content of Search Engines : Search Engines keep on looking for stuffs which are going to engage their viewers. Hence if you choose to promote your business through YouTube, then you are increasing the chances of getting success in your business.

4) Videos play a pivotal role to build trust : Videos are a perfect medium to showcase the personality of your company and your brand. The videos related to your product help you earn the trust of your viewer and increases your conversion rates.

5) Video helps in social shares : Videos get shared very easily in social media; if you are providing your clients with a video of your product, then it is going to get shared among many others though social media. This means you are reaching out to a huge number of people within a short span of time.

To Know More
Visit Website: https://kreativedigitalsolution.blogspot.com/
Email Us at contact.anikmajumdar@gmail.com
Feel Free To Call Us For More Details at +91 9836329793

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